
Showing posts from December, 2024

Can Mantras be Injunctions

  Can Mantras be Injunctions? The source of most Vidhis are from the Brahmanas, Aranyakas, and maybe Upanishads. The Samhita texts are a collection of mantras to be chanted at a ritual, and often don't have injunctions that command a person "do this" or "don't do that" or "one should do this". Often they are prayers, spells, eulogies, and even stories or statements of reality. That being said, Vedic mantras are quoted in law digests as evdience for a certain practice, so it begs the question, can we construe injunctions from Vedic mantras?  For the prupose of this article, mantras exclusively refer to Vedic mantras of the Samhitas.  The Jaimini Mimamsa Sutras start by describing the oppenent view that the Mantras are useless in that they have no meaning, The sutras then go on to declare that they do have meaning like any sentence with subject, object, and verb [1]. Those meanings are as follows [2]. 1) Description of the procedure while it is being...